Friday, October 28, 2011

Jimmy Johns On A Cold Bench

That night, Oliver picked me up and suggested I bring a coat because it was cold. He drove me to the duck pond, and we sat on a bench and talked. He was right; it was cold! Oliver pulled the “Are your hands cold?” line, and he held my hand again. We had a really good discussion, and then he told me that he had ordered Jimmy Johns sandwiches to be delivered to us. We waited, and we waited. No one came. Finally, Jordan called to ask where we were. The delivery lady could not find us and was asking where we were. Jordan told her as Oliver, I am on the other side of the duck pond, sitting on a bench. We finally got our dinner and began to eat. I had never had Jimmy Johns before; their sandwiches are pretty good. I was surprised at this creative date idea.

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